Friday, August 28, 2009

Feeling icky

I got flu. Hoepfully not THE swine flu but still a nasty stinking flu-type bug. I started feeling icky last night- took some paracetamol and one of my huge Vitamin C tablets last night and felt shitty this morning so I found the details of the swine flu clinic on the Consulate website and went up to the hospital. They told me to keep taking the paracetamol and check my temperature and prescribed some stuff that the pharmacist said was useless.

So, I am taking lots of fluids, resting and taking vit c and painkillers (not that they are doing much as I still have a headache and feel like a truck has hit me!).

Chef is not very happy but I really don't want to go spreading this around as its apparently not good for pregnant women- and both Chef's girlfriend and Michaelis' wife are pregnant.

I am watching Castaway- Tom Hanks is trying to light a fire- success. Strange the things you want to watch when you aren't well......

I can't concentrate on anything much so will go for now. I am glad you are not here to get this!

With love from Cyprus

Me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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