Sunday, August 30, 2009

Well if this isn't Swine Flu then....

I don't know what it is and if it can be any worse!

I have no damn energy! Took me half an hour to try and scrape myself out of bed today- needed to change the bed sheets as I have been hot and sweaty and they are covered in cat fur.

I know a normal flu leaves you feeling shitty for a couple of days- but I am now into day three (started feeling ill Thursday night) and, if at all possible, I feel worse not better! My head is all muzzy, the nose is stuffed, my throat is permanently on fire and I still feel as though I have been hit by a truck. I can't even lift a bottle of water without aching....

On the good side though- there isn't one. But there are some crappy jokes I have heard.

I phoned the Swine Flu hotline- and all I got was crackling.

With the Swine Flu you need oinkment and with the Bird Flu you need tweetment.

Boom boom.


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